Thursday, 7 February 2013


to you:

it's the sound of your heart cracking

it's the sound I never want to hear

its your anguish in a sound, not spoken,

its the light of reality spilling without

i am sorry, i repeat in my mind,
like a mantra
all i can offer, are the arms around you,
in a spontaneous hug
yes.. we are at work but so what..?
we are human and
its the very least we can do
when your heart has been shot

i am still sorry, one month on,
my heart reciting not-too-glib cliches,
hoping one will fit, something will stick,
somehow I know there is a stitch of a common life here
this is a fear we all share
and never talk about

thank you for talking to me
about it
it is a gift

i remember when my mother's mother passed
and though you're not my mother,
sometimes you are just as important
in a different way
i would say to her, its okay, Mum
there is no more struggle where she is
no troubled mind or
puddled street
she is now a lake of serenity
or the colour of a galaxy

and sure.. i might sound like a hippie
but it is a scientific fact
that you cannot destroy energy
(Einstein said so)
and though you might miss her
on earthly days,
she has returned to her mother,
as you will too one day

whether you believe in souls or science,
they tell us the same thing
we have wings inside us
we were always meant to fly
but we don't ever know this til we lie down,
ready to die, (or not-so-ready)
ready to change our energy for the light
call it heaven or

all i know is that you
can't destroy energy
so the warmth of the sun
or the misting of rain,
is all of our mothers,
saying, 'darlings,
forget your pain.
I am still here, just more

for the fortunate who have not known death:

you could be anywhere in the world,
with any minor annoyance or bigotry,
you could be feeling self conscious,
be spilling over with misery,

but at least
you live

that is enough

you could be struggling in stress,
in finances, spiritual unrest,
but who said living would be easy
no one did,
the point is
you live

that is enough

how quickly one's breath becomes history
how sudden that deathly heartbreak
live with fist on heart, heart on sleeve,
sleeve raking the goosebumps up your arm

feel the sensation
feel the relief
that you live

that is enough

one day you will be able to let go
but when you do
know that you've lived
the width
not just the length
of your life

it is a gift

i'm sorry your heart
it is built to
it is the human experience
it is survivable
it is part of
the life you live

give yourself a chance
to appreciate
when you're resting
from the dance

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